BTC Cohort 1 - Class of 2017
- Jenny | St. Mary's High School, STL | Physical Science
- Elise | St. Cecilia School and Academy, STL | Middle School Math and Science
- Michelle | Most Holy Trinity School and Academy, STL | 5th grade
- Kelsey | St. Frances Cabrini Academy, STL | 5th - 8th Grade Math, 5th Grade Reading/English Language Arts
- Mitch | St. Mary's High School, STL | Theology and Science
- Sarah | Saint Joseph School, Imperial, MO | Middle School
"My favorite part of my experience has without a doubt been the relationships I’ve developed with my students...I am so proud of every one of them. My students have inspired me in a myriad of ways, but most of all they have taught me that the most important thing you can do as a teacher is to simply love your students." - Kelsey, BTC 1
BTC Cohort 2 - Class of 2018
- Owen | All Saints Academy, STL | Middle School Langauge Arts
- Darrin | SLU Ph. D candidate, Higher Education | Academy of the Sacred Heart, STL | Spanish
- Julie | St. Louis Catholic Academy, STL | 1st Grade
- Catherine | The St. Austin School, STL | 3rd Grade
- Molly | Ursuline Academy, STL | Theology
- Kristi | Bishop DuBourg High School, STL | English
"The support I have received during this first year of teaching is truly phenomenal...This program has transformed me into a more flexible and teachable person, and while I still have much more to learn, I am grateful to this program for giving me opportunities to be transformed."
- Catherine, BTC 2
- Catherine, BTC 2
BTC Cohort 3 - Class of 2019
- Maria | ACE, Santiago, Chile
- Juan | Bishop Dunne High School, Dallas, TX
- Andrew | Ph.D. Candidate at SLU | Education Policy
- Erin | Christ Light of Nations, STL | Music Grades K - 8
- Kelsey | Saint Agnes School, Louisville, KY | 8th Grade
- Katharine | Bishop DuBourg High School, STL | Math
"The BTC was more than just a graduate program - by the end of my experience, I found that I was transformed. I knew not only how to teach the mind of a student, but the heart as well. I learned more than I taught, and I received more love than I sometimes knew what to do with, from students, community members, professors and people at SLU who make it all possible. "
- Katharine, BTC 3
- Katharine, BTC 3
ALUMNI - Keep in touch with the BTC!
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