The Billiken Teacher Corps is founded on three pillars that challenge teachers to live our mission. The three pillars of Service Learning, Graduate Education and Personal and Spiritual Formation create teachers prepared to take on the challenges facing students today.
Billiken Teacher Corps teachers take on the mantra of "Teach Me."
It is the student saying to his/her teacher, "Teach Me."
It is the teacher saying to his/her student, "Teach Me."
It is all of us saying to Christ, our ultimate teacher, "Teach Me."
Billiken Teacher Corps teachers take on the mantra of "Teach Me."
It is the student saying to his/her teacher, "Teach Me."
It is the teacher saying to his/her student, "Teach Me."
It is all of us saying to Christ, our ultimate teacher, "Teach Me."
SERVE.Billiken Teacher Corps teachers teach in a K-12 classroom in a Catholic School in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area.
Teachers are placed in high needs schools and given mentor supports to help them succeed. "BTC has shaped the way I view my calling as a teacher - not only am I here as a teacher to empower my students to learn and to help them grow, but I am here to learn from Jesus the Teacher, who guides me as I respond to this vocation." - Steph BTC 5 |
LEARN.Billiken Teacher Corps teachers earn a Master's of Arts degree in Teaching with full tuition remission from St. Louis University.
The SLU College of Education also works with teachers to receive proper certifications in the state of Missouri. "Being a teacher prevents me from settling and instead constantly challenges me to give and be more for my students. Whether they realize it or not, my students push me everyday to become a better teacher and a better me." - Sarah BTC 1 |
GROW.Billiken Teacher Corps is committed to teachers personal and spiritual growth.
By living in community together, teachers learn to live, support and love each other through the challenges of being a new teacher. "If I have to describe my main takeaway of the BTC experience, I would have to say it's about constantly challenging yourself." - Kristi BTC 1 |
The life of a BTC teacher is a busy one. Here is a look into a typical day as a Billiken Teacher Corps teacher.
5:15 A.M. |
Wake up.
6:00 A.M. |
Leave home, drive to school.
11:00 P.M. |
Go to sleep, hoping to get enough shut-eye to do it all again tomorrow.